We are excited to share with the GCES community that a volume edited by Dr. Naved Bakali and Dr. Nadeem A. Memon, titled Teacher Training and Education in the GCC: Unpacking the Complexities and Challenges of Internationalizing Educational Contexts has recently been released. This multidisciplinary book focuses on integrating critical scholarship in GCC teacher training programs, as well as the challenges and complexities that are involved.

Dr. Naved Bakali is a grant recipient of the Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research and Assistant Professor of Anti-Racism Education at the University of Windsor and Dr. Nadeem A. Memon is a Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Islamic Thought and Education (CITE) in the School of Education at the University of South Australia.

For more information about the book or if you are interested in ordering a copy online, check out the flyer below.



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