Gulf Education and Social Policy Review (GESPR): Volume 4, Issue 1 published.

The new issue features six new articles, click on the titles below to access the article:

  1. Influence of Enhanced Perceptual Features on Development of Neural Specialization for Arabic Print in Early Readers. by Roa’a Alsulaiman and Tracy M. Centanni.

  2. Teachers’ Resilience and Burnout in the United Arab Emirates: Teaching Through the COVID- 19 Pandemic. By Christopher Bryan and Antje von Suchodoletz

  3. Internationalizing the National University. By Elizabeth Buckner.

  4. Exploring Assistant Principals' Views on Parental Involvement in Bahraini Primary Education. By Osama Al-Mahdi.

  5. A Review of Graduate Attributes in the Oman Authority for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Education (OAAAQAE's) Quality Audit Reports. By Zulaikha Talib Al-Saadi.

  6. Shadow Education in the Middle East: Private Supplementary Tutoring and Its Policy Implications By Mark Bray and Anas Hajar. By Janaan O. Farhat. 


Click here to explore the new issue.


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