The Gulf Education for Social Policy Review (GESPR) has released a Call for Papers for its upcoming special issue in 2024 titled “Heritage Preservation and Urban Development in the Gulf.” Interested authors are encouraged to submit their abstract and five to six keywords to GESPR’s general editor, Dr. Natasha Mansur, by October 15, 2023, or contact Dr. Matthew MacLean, the Guest Editor, in case you have additional questions. For more information, download the complete call by clicking the button below.


The Gulf Education and Social Policy Review (GESPR) announces a special issue on heritage preservation and urban development in the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula. The special issue seeks to explore the intersection between notions of heritage and the built environment in a variety of contexts. Gulf cities have seen a proliferation of heritage districts in their urban cores, such that heritage and cultural preservation are often understood as synonymous with certain streetscapes and architectural forms.

Specific questions the issue seeks to address include but not are limited to:

  • In what ways has “heritage” been defined across the Gulf countries? How have these definitions changed over time?
  • What factors and concerns have shaped the designation and development of heritage districts in Gulf cities?
  • How have Gulf citizens’ notions of heritage been shaped by their experiences of a changing urban environment?
  • How have heritage and heritage districts in Gulf cities been represented in film, art, literature, and the media?
  • To what extent have Gulf educational institutions incorporated heritage preservation in the urban built environment into their
    curricula? What opportunities exist for them to do so?
  • How do expatriates, including long-term expatriates, perceive and interact with “heritage districts” in the Gulf? How have
    expatriate communities sought to preserve or represent their heritage in the context of Gulf societies?


special issue


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